
Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hi guys! Just had to show you what I got from the UPS man! Thanks for watching!

Have a fun Thursday!



  1. Oh my gosh Mary, you will love it! If I can answer any questions, just ask me!!!

  2. I absolutely love my Silhouette-I know you will love yours. I took an online class from Kerri Bradford/Jessica Sprague that was so wonderful. Lots of great tutorials on youtube and always yahoo groups that are oh so helpful!

  3. New toys are fun! but I hope you will also keep using the cricut, as that is what I have!

  4. If I ever get rich I'll probley get one but for now I will keep using my Cricut. Have fun and congrats. Hugs, Debi

  5. Oh Wow! Have Fun!! I hope you won't forget Mr Cricut now and then :)

  6. Congrats on your new toy. New toys are always so much fun. I am not sure what a Cameo is but am looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

  7. Mary,

    I'm jealous you got yours before me. Mine shipped yesterday. Love that you are using the cameo also.
    Upstate NY

  8. Great buy i got mine about ayear now and love it i stll have my cricuts and carts but this machine us awesome

  9. Oh Mary, lucky you...
    I want one too, it is on my wish list!!
    Enjoy it, I'm looking forward in seeing what your going to make...

  10. Oh, you too? I am so tempted, but I am still using my Cricut Expression and I even own the Imagine, though it rarely gets any use *sigh*

    Enjoy your new toy!

  11. I feel your excitement, Mary! Mine should be here (hopefully) by tomorrow so I can play with it this weekend. We'll be learning a lot, won't we?!

  12. Oh no...I've been resisting the temptation for sooooo long. You might send me over the edge. I can't wait to see what you make.

  13. OMGosh Mary, I'm so jealous! lol Not really, but one of those is on my wish list! So very happy you got one and now I can't wait to see what you do with yours! Hugs!

  14. Oh my! Congrats to you Mary! I hope to be getting one in a few months, maybe by then you'll have yours figured out and help all us newbies! Have fun with that new toy!

  15. That's so funny! I got one too. Mine should come tomorrow. I am glad you got one because I know you will have lots crafty projects to share with us. Love your videos. :)

  16. Looks like the Easter Bunny dropped of an early Easter toy for you. Have fun. I have a friend that has the Cameo & also has the Cricut and she gave her Cricut to her daughter since she likes the Cameo so much more.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  17. I have enjoyed your blog so very much and it has been so helpful to me. This makes me a little sad because I don't have a Silhouette and probably never will get one because of the investment I have in my Cricut and because I am somewhat technologically challenged. I hope you enjoy your new toy and I will continue to enjoy your creativity.

  18. Congrats and have fun!! I love my cutting machine. Wait until you start making your own designs. Check out Make the Cut forum or SCUTS.

  19. Wow! Congrats Mary! I've been thinking about getting one but haven't taken the plunge yet! Can't wait to see what you make first! Hugs, Ginger

  20. So excited for you. I just got a cameo also and am a little afraid of it. I just love your video's and now I know you will teach me everything I need to know. Yeah Mary

  21. Yeah to you. I also have a cameo that I am afraid of so you will teach me well. Love your video's and always check your blog first. Can't wait for the lessons to roll in. By the way I too have a Sophie (chocolate cocker).

  22. You will love it! Have had a Shilouette for couple of years. Love It! My daughter just received hers two days ago and has put vinyl letters on her canisters and several other things. Easy peasy to use!

  23. How exciting!!!! Can't wait to see what you create with it!!!! :)

  24. Congrats, Mary!! I ordered one too. My UPS man should be here Friday. I guess we will ne learning together!! :)

  25. Congrats Mary! I am excited to see what you will create with it. I have one and my Cricut too. Love them both.

  26. You're in BIG trouble now...have fun!

  27. Yay, I'll bet you're going to have lots of fun.

  28. You are going to love it.

    Have a great day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥

  29. I love my mine, it is awesome!

  30. I'm excited for you - I love your cricut cards but I got a cameo last year and am struggling - can't wait to see what you show us!

  31. You're going to love it. You tube with be your best friend and the daily blog from Silhoutte.
    Have fun

  32. Awesome new toy!!!Yiippee!
    Have a wonderful day,

  33. Oh how fun Mary. My husband keeps telling me to get one but between my StampinUp and Cricut I have so much invested I just don't know if I could justify getting one. Oh the dilema!

  34. I happy for you but I sure hope you keep making Cricut stuff. I know my sis and I get so many ideas from your site. Please don't put Cricut on the back burner. Enjoy your new toy. Kimberley

  35. Yeah!!!
    I got mine last Thursday...LOVE IT!
    I am in the learning process, You Tube is a tremendous help
    Can't wait to see what you do with this designing machine.
    You go girl!

  36. So excited for you...I get mine in April...can't wait to be inspired by you and your new Silhoette!!

  37. I have my new baby and can't wait to get started.

  38. Mary I got the cameo to day also. I will have Carol

  39. Yay, Congrats! I have one on my wishlist, hopefully I get one soon. I hope you continue to use your cricut as well :)


  40. OMG, you lucky woman! I want a Cameo so bad but will have to wait for a bit before I get one. Enjoy it but please keep sharing your Cricut projects as that is what I have to work with.

  41. I know having a new toy but I still love my cricut hope you all wont forget us that don't have that machine I still love my cricut and cant afford anything eles

  42. I am happy for you but please dont forget your cricut.

  43. You lucky lady!!! Congrats on your new toy. Can't wait to see what you make w/ it!!

  44. That is fabulous Mary. I have been thinking about getting one but am still on the fence. I'll be anxious to hear what you think about it.

    Have fun!

  45. Oh what a fun package! Have fun playing Mary!!


  46. That is awesome! Have fun Mary! I know your going to love it and I can't wait to see what you create :)

  47. My Portrait is on its way!
    I am so looking forward to doing "print & cut".
    Still will be using my Cricut, too.

    Have fun with your Cameo.
    I know you'll continue to make fabulous cards with both machines.


  48. Mary, you'll have a blast with the Cameo. I have one as well as 3 Cricuts. Love my Cricuts too. There are many great websites but I keep going back, it's really awesome. Really love your cards, always!!


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!