
Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Hi guys! Wayne's back with a new video! I hope you'll check it out, and if you like his latest video, I hope you'll give him a thumbs up, and become a subscriber of his YouTube channel...he'd love that! 

Here's the link:
Thanks for watching!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Blessings,


  1. Hahaha, that's wonderful! I got a kick out of Wayne talking to the raccoon at the end. So cute! I hope he listened!

  2. That was cute! Hope that critter listens and stays away! I talk to my baby dog (well she is 7 and weighs 76 pounds) and I just love how she turns her head like she understands. So blessed to have her in my life!

  3. Those racoons are so cute but such trouble makers! Loved the video.


  4. Liked your video Wayne. They can be a real mess if they get into your attic. I mean really destructive. We had them so we know. Had to pay to get rid of them. Not with poisons or things like that..just sealing all the possible way they can come in. New screens over everything. a big job. thanks for sharing.

  5. Wayne, My husband has that same problem only I have to show him your video, because he keeps trying to shoot the he's a very bad shot an the hole is very deep by the shed ,every year there's another one or two...I think he has even poured bleach down the holes....

  6. OMG! I love that Wayne gave him a little talk! Such a sweet sweet video. Thanks Mary & Wayne!

  7. LOL You got some good critters Wayne! I loved the squirrel flipping out, lol, he really didn't like that lattice being up. Neither did the groundhog. They can be nasty, so be careful. Coons are very cute aren't they?! I can't believe your two coons weren't hissing at you. The ones we trap will. Coons and groundhogs can cause a lot of damage, especially with crops, hay. The deer can wipe out quite a bit of our field corn and the coons will eat all the sweet corn. lol Although not so funny when you don't have any sweet corn to put up. Or they take the yields down in the field corn. I hope your coons listen to you Wayne and stay in the woods. Loved your stern talking to them! Hugs, Brenda

  8. Wayne, you are just like my husband, can't kill or mame anything. We do not have ground hogs, but we do have ground squirrels, gophers, raccoons, and rabbits, and snakes, which are all very destructive to our gardens but they all are so cute and keep us entertained . Hope your fence works. Love your videos.


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!