
Monday, July 21, 2014


Thanks for watching!



  1. I loved your video! I really wanted to see if this goes thru... God Bless and hugs. Carol

  2. What a great Q & A Vlog you really did do a great job addressing everyone's questions and to be honest I learned more about your through these so that made it even more interesting and definitely more important to me!! Many of the questions asked we things that I have thought about. I love it because you tell it like it is and loved your ans. about your Cricuts I use all of mine too. Great answer just about the Explore and I feel too that it's really a great machine. Looking forward to your craftroom tour. Thanks Mary for all you do and I sure hope Wayne does make videos as the last one he did was so interesting and I did learn allog. So fingers crossed. Have a great evening my dear friend.

  3. Hi Mary thanks for all your videos. Have to tell you after yourvlog on the java jig,I ended up buying one at Walmart that week. Thanks for the great ideas!

  4. Loved having a cup of coffee with you this morning! I love my Explore and it's so much fun to do the svg cuts with it. I am so very glad that you continue to use all your machines and to share that with us. Here's hoping Wayne starts his videos, too! Have a great day!

  5. Thanks for you answering questions, I too haven't been getting email notifications. LOVE your videos, thanks for sharing your talent with us.

  6. Thank you, Mary for doing this. <3Kimberly

  7. Hi Mary, Thanks for taking time to answer questions. I always enjoy your videos. You mentioned that Feedburner wasn't working any longer, and several people had commented that they weren't receiving your blog emails any longer. I wanted to let you know that I am still getting my emails from your blog each day. Hopefully, it is something else going on.
    Thanks so much!
    Take care,

  8. Great Q&A video! Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. I am still getting my emails each day!!

  10. Great Q&A Mary! Yes, even the tiny gardens can produce a lot of produce. Oh that would be great if Wayne would have a youtube channel!! Keep working on him Mary!! Hugs, Brenda

  11. Hello Mary.. I almost fell over when I heard my question about the Happy Mandolin song from your tutorial. It really made me giddy. See how simple my life is. LOL Your program is one I always look forward too. I've learned so much from you Mary. I just love it. Anyway thank you for the answer and I went back to your video and there at the bottom was the name listed so you did a great job as usual. It was my oversight. Anyway since then I've played it so many times. It's one of the best little songs I've head that's really touched my heart. I hope everyone looks it up and can enjoy it again. The Happy Mandolin. It was on Mary's video about Father's day card with ties.
    thanks Mary for a great down to earth program. Love it.


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!