
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Coffee and Cards Episode 2 - Part 2


  1. How sweet of your sister to get you this are going to love using it Mary (I know I do!!!) TFS


  2. What a sweet sister you have! I have this cart but I'm stuck on Create-A-Critter right now and haven't used this one yet. It will be the next one I get hooked on I'm sure. Especially after I see what you create with yours!! :)

  3. I just got that cart... thanks for the quick review!

  4. Hi Mary, You probably know this but just in case... Some one not sure if MPS or Everyday Cricut suggested that you number the cards 1-40 and the envelopes E1-E10 to make it easier to find what you plan on cutting since the overlay shows only the card and envelope layouts and not the images associated with the cartridge.
    Blessings, Yvette

  5. Hi Mary, I am getting things packed up for the Operation Write Home crop day, which it tomorrow!!
    Thanks for mentioning our event in this video. If it were not for your encouragement, I do not think I would have considered this!
    Come down, it is beautiful down in southern TN, and we hope to have a great event to honor soldiers on Armed Forces Day!


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!