
Monday, March 15, 2010

Operation Write Home


  1. I am part of a similar organization called "Cards for Soldiers." I came across it on the Cricut MB and have been a participant for just over a year. It is very satisfying to receive notes back from our heroes telling us how much our cards are appreciated.

    P.S. It might just be me, but the right side of the video was cut off on my PC.

  2. Thank you, Mary, for sharing this with us. The smiles on the faces tell it all.

  3. What a wonderful organization! Thanks for sharing the video with us!

  4. This is awesome! I support our military 100%. How can I join this organization?

  5. Just click on the banner on the sidebar, Barbara and it will take you to their site. You'll find all the information there about making cards for our troops. Thanks!

  6. I want to say thank you for your support. As a retired vet I want to say that YOU ROCK!!!!! Not everyone is willing to DO something to show support. God bless you.

  7. Hi Mary! Seeing your Hero card and watching the video on your blog inspired me to get up and get crafting to support our troops! I'm working on filling up my first box of cards and I can't wait to send them off to the wonderful volunteers and then off to the troops! You are awesome and I always look forward to your videos!


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!