
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cricut "Simply Fabulous" Card


  1. Your are so talented. Love your cards and watch all your videos. Where do you get such cute sayings? Do you make them up yourself? If so you are even more talented. I don't think you get the recognition that you deserve. Your cards are better than any of the ones that I see on the blog spots, where they get all the free stuff from all the ocmpanies, you deserve that... Thanks for sharing your creations, it is truly appreciated.

  2. Another cute card! You've been busy lately! Thanks for taking the time to video your cards!
    If you had to choose between "Everyday Paperdolls" and "From my Kitchen", which is the more versatile?

  3. Thank you for your very kind comments jman4! I really appreciate them!

  4. love it! Yes I agree - I didn't know that shoe was on there.
    You will love the cuddlebug - you'll be embossing like crazy.

  5. Hey Mary,

    Hope you are feeling better! CONGRATS on your Cuttlebug...I LOVE MINE and I dont know how I ever lived without it...LOL!!!

    Oh my goodness, I love the beads on your card...I would have never thought to do that!

    take care and have a blessed day,

  6. Thank you Bonnie! I love both carts, but would have to say Everyday Paper Dolls is more versatile. It has so many "extras", like the little teapot.

  7. Sorry, jman4, I forgot to answer your question. I have some books of poems and sayings, I find some on special sites for verses and poems, and sometimes something just pops into my head, lol!

  8. Mary, another stunning card! I love how you always find new treasures on the cart's! I agree with jman4, your cards are really top of the line!

  9. SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute Mary I love it
    hugs lenny

  10. This is too cute. I have this cartridge, and I did not know that this shoe was on it. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much for your comments. I love hearing from you!